Opening week at RED not only brought one of the best openings in the last decade for the resort, but it also brought over the Whistler Mountain Ski Club to train at the Legacy Training Centre.
Coach Rob Boyd had this to say about Legacy:
“The WMSC FIS program stopped in at the RED Mountain Resort Legacy Training center in mid December for a quick prep camp before the Panorama FIS race series and got much more than anticipated. Not only was the training slope in excellent shape and offered great training, but we had the whole slope to ourselves! And to boot, we had excellent freeskiing on Granite and Grey mountains to warm up the legs for the gate training session.
In our three and a half days we racked up over 50 runs – 23 in the SL gates (over 1100 turns), 9 in the GS gates (260 turns) and another 23 freeskiing! Excellent accommodations, great friendly service and perfect conditions. Thanks Matt and thanks to the Training center for a quick but effective camp!”
Here are a few pictures from the week

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